ILIAD was a 5 day, multi-track conference bringing together ~100 researchers in theoretical AI alignment.

August 28 - September 3, 2024 — Berkeley, California.

Applications are now closed

Dedicated to building strong scientific foundations for AI safety.

If you wish to hear about future events, you can sign up here.


ILIAD featured an unconference format where participants propose and lead their own sessions, as well as a range of topic-specific workshop tracks:

  • Computational Mechanics is a framework for understanding complex systems by focusing on their intrinsic computation and information processing capabilities. Pioneered by J. Crutchfield to turbulence, it has recently found popularity in AI alignment. The track lead is Paul Riechers.

  • Singular learning theory, developed by S. Watanabe, is the modern theory of Bayesian learning. SLT studies the loss landscape of neural networks, using ideas from statistical mechanics, Bayesian statistics and algebraic geometry. The track lead is Jesse Hoogland

  • Agent Foundations uses tools from theoretical economics, decision theory, Bayesian epistemology, logic, game theory and more to deeply understand agents: how they reason, cooperate, believe and desire. The track lead is Daniel Herrmann

  • Causal Incentives is a collection of researchers interested in using causal models to understand agents and their incentives. The track lead is James Fox.

  • “How It All Fits Together” turns its attention to the bigger picture — where are we coming from, and where are we going? — under the direction of John Wentworth.  

Confirmed Speakers & Attendees:

Adam Shai (Simplex)

Dan Murfet (University of Melbourne)

James Crutchfield (Complexity Sciences Center, UC Davis)

Jesse Hoogland (Timaeus)

Scott Garrabrant

Vanessa Kosoy (ALTER)

Joe Halpern (Cornell University)

Simon DeDeo (Carnegie Mellon, Santa Fe institute)

And more…

John Wentworth

Lucius Bushnaq & Jake Mendel (Apollo)

Paul Riechers (Simplex)

Fernando Rosas (Centre for Complexity Science, PIBBSS)


  • ILIAD took place August 28 - September 3, 2024 at Lighthaven in Berkeley, California. Programming will run from the evening of August 28 through the evening of September 2.

  • We encourage you to apply if you are interested in mathematical approaches to AI alignment.

  • The deadline to apply is June 30, 2024.

  • ILIAD is free to attend.

  • The venue has accommodations for about two-third of attendees onsite in shared rooms. These rooms will be distributed on a per-need basis.

  • ILIAD has a limited budget to reimburse travel expenses. After your application is accepted, you will receive more information about how to request financial support. We may not be able to provide support to everyone who requests it or provide the full amount requested.